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HomeFinanceSoldier charged over 'slashing pal's throat' in Magaluf during night out

Soldier charged over ‘slashing pal’s throat’ in Magaluf during night out

Lance Corporal Sarah Garrity was left in intensive care at a Magaluf hospital after Sydney Cole allegedly slashed her with a broken glass, causing her to lose pints of blood and leaving her with a gaping wound which required 14 stitches

A British soldier has been charged over an alleged glass attack on her holiday friend in a Magaluf nightclub.

The April 15 2019 incident left Lance Corporal Sarah Garrity in intensive care after losing four pints of blood and needing 14 stitches to a neck wound. Squaddie Sydney Cole, 23, was arrested on suspicion of attempted homicide and remanded in prison in Majorca briefly before being released pending an ongoing investigation.

Cole has been accused of a crime of wounding in an indictment submitted to a court in Palma and is facing a three-year prison sentence if convicted at trial, reports island newspaper Ultima Hora.

Prosecutors in the Majorcan capital drafted their indictment despite Lance Corporal Garrity, 26, telling Spanish authorities early on in the investigation she didn’t want to press charges against her fellow soldier and renouncing her right to compensation. The trial date has not yet been made public but it is expected to take place before the end of the year.


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