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HomeSourcesmirror.co.uk'My neighbour has a high pitch "torture device" in their garden

‘My neighbour has a high pitch “torture device” in their garden

It can get seriously annoying when those next door are being loud, but one resident was left fuming when they thought they’d escaped to a peaceful life in the country, but it wasn’t

Some people dream of living in the countryside, somewhere idyllic, with lovely neighbours who bring you baked goods regularly, surrounded by nature and tranquility. But one fed-up resident realised that’s not always the case as they realised their neighbours were not as “friendly” as they first seemed.

They were hoping for a break from their previous property where their neighbour would wake them at 4am, “banging, screaming, and shouting.” And they thought things were “blissful” and “tranquil” in their new home until the “high-pitch torture” began. Then other things started to go wrong, and they couldn’t even sit in the “garden in the evenings due to the noise.”

They took to Reddit’s ‘Neighbours from Hell’ forum to write: “After renting for several years living next door to an elderly neighbour on one side that would wake us at 4am banging, screaming and shouting. And on the other side a family with a dog that barked 24/7, with annoying kids that aged into unruly teens that would scream and shout with their friends till 11pm, jump the fence into our garden, kick a ball into the side of our house daily which would shake everything, knock on our door and run away, litter, play loud music, and anything annoying you can think of we dealt with for several years…

“Finally we saved enough money and moved to a lovely house in the quiet countryside, with friendly neighbours. It’s been bliss and tranquil for several months we’re finally happy…we thought! One day I’m greeted by a high pitch noise as I leave my front door, and a flashing light strobing into my bedroom window during the night coming from my neighbour’s front lawn ‘to stop cats and foxes from pooping on their lawn’. Every day for two to three weeks were greeted by this high pitch torture, until finally myself, and a neighbour complained so they moved it thankfully.”


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