24 August, Saturday, 2024
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HomeSourcesmirror.co.uk'The only ones who benefit from more drilling are energy companies

‘The only ones who benefit from more drilling are energy companies

We have enough green energy to power Britain many times over, it will never run out and there is no global market setting the price for it

Rishi Sunak ‘s plan to wring the last drops of oil and gas from the North Sea will do nothing to lower our energy bills or provide energy security.

Here’s why – The price we pay for fossil fuels is dictated by the global market. We have no say or control in this. That’s why we paid ten times more for our gas in last winter’s energy crisis, even though half of it came from our own North Sea.

Unless Sunak ends this absurdity no amount of fossils fuels made here can affect the price we pay for fossil fuels and therefore our energy bills. Britain’s energy insecurity is actually about price not supply – the world has no shortage of fossil fuels.


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