With the BBC in the spotlight again over the Huw Edwards affair, we mustn’t be blinded to the much admired elements of the corporation
HUW Edwards lies in a hospital bed after seedy allegations of a non-criminal nature against him drove the depression sufferer into a mental health crisis.
Because he is seen as the journalistic face of the BBC, a claim he paid a young person for sexually explicit pictures and the fact that his managers reacted woefully when notified of it, has been manna from heaven for the corporation’s powerful enemies.
The usual suspects in the right-wing media popped up to demand its instant defunding, pundits on Rupert Murdoch’s TV channel gleefully hailed it the beginning of the end for the BBC and Lee Anderson declared the organisation a “safe haven for perverts”.
And with the amount of underage assaults, sexual harassment, rape charges and tractor-porn watching involving Tory MPs recently, the party’s deputy chairman should know all about pervert havens.