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HomeUK NewsPoliticsThis trans prisoner scandal shows the Government put women's safety second to...

This trans prisoner scandal shows the Government put women’s safety second to gender ideology

Prison authorities and civil servants have acquiesced to the demands of the trans lobby for years. Common sense is beginning to win out

In the least surprising news of the year, research backed by the Ministry of Justice has suggested that some jailed male sex offenders in England and Wales may be faking trans identities in order to gain access to the women’s prison estate.

In other news, some protestant churches are beginning to suspect the Pope is not of their faith. To paraphrase the late Mrs Merton, why would a male rapist want to be sent to a women’s prison to serve his time?

For years prison authorities have acquiesced to the demands of the trans lobby by placing sometimes violent male sex offenders in women’s prisons, so long as they claim to identify as women themselves. This was in obeisance to the sacred rule that anyone who claims to be of a different gender to their biological sex must, in every circumstance, be believed without question. They must be affirmed in their choice and then treated in precisely the same way as others of the same gender. 

To do otherwise – to send a female-identifying violent rapist to a men’s prison – would be transphobic. Only by sending such people to live in women’s prisons, in the company of the most vulnerable women in the country, can the tenets of trans ideology be sated.


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