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HomeBusinessWe are delivering a post-Brexit dividend for the City

We are delivering a post-Brexit dividend for the City

The Chancellor’s comprehensive reform plan will ensure Britain’s capital markets remain a world leader

The UK’s legacy as the home of capital markets runs deep within the veins of our great nation.

It is a golden thread that has been woven throughout our history, from the humble beginnings of 17th century stockbrokers huddled in cafes to the ground-breaking reforms that democratised shareholding under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher.

Today we stand at the threshold of a new era for this sector which touches every part of the UK. 2023 is proving to be a banner year for the financial services reform.

Just last week, we successfully passed the Financial Services and Markets Act into law, setting the stage for growth and dynamism. This landmark legislation, coupled with the good progress being made in delivering the Chancellor’s ambitious Edinburgh Reforms, will unlock billions of pounds of investment in the finance sector to help grow the economy.


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