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HomeHealthI had no idea my baby girl was critically ill until I...

I had no idea my baby girl was critically ill until I spotted something odd in a photo

WHEN Danielle Prior spotted a ‘white glowing ring’ inside her daughter’s eye after taking a photo on her iPhone, she thought it was the glare of the flash.

But after the bright circle continued to appear in Evie’s right eye in more snaps, Danielle, 30, panicked and made an emergency appointment with her GP.

Tests showed the white light was actually a warning sign and Evie was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare cancer of the retina, aged just 11 months.

She is now at risk of losing her eye, and mum Danielle, a former NHS recruiter from Surrey, is speaking out to raise awareness so other parents know what to look for.

Danielle said: “I was sat beside Evie as I fed her lunch one day and she watched Miss Rachel on the iPad. 


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