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HomeSourcesexpress.co.uk'Men cannot be women' used to be self-evident, now it's a thoughtcrime

‘Men cannot be women’ used to be self-evident, now it’s a thoughtcrime

Every nook and cranny of the State, including our three main political parties’, drip with this intellectual poison. Having thrown clarity out of the window, they sell confusion. And they do so with the conviction of converts, with an unwavering sanctimony that brooks no dissent. Submission is what they seek, not discussion – regardless of how incredible their claims are. The speed with which this virus has spread has left many of us bewildered. The Bank of England, no less, wrote that ‘people of any gender identity can be pregnant’ and referred to women as ‘birthing people’ in its 2022 submission to Stonewall, a lobby group for ‘Trans-rights’. With Inflation hovering over eight percent, having skyrocketed to over 10 percent a year ago, one would have thought the Bank of England might have had other priorities. A little over a year ago, Andrew Bailey, the Governor of the Bank of England, was good enough to tell the Parliamentary Treasury Select Committee as inflation was heading for a 21st century high that the Bank was ‘helpless’ in the face of inflation. Helpless in the face of inflation but helpful in the face of gender politics. His mandate and that of his institution is to keep inflation at the two percent mark. Andrew Bailey, the Governor of the Bank of England (Image: Getty) No one has asked him to opine, and take sides, on absurd Maoist philosophies that reject any notion of reality, common sense, science, history, and morality. And yet, having failed at delivering on its official mandate, he and his institutions felt Pride in entering the fray on this unfortunate topic. He and his colleagues were not laughed out of court, as should have been expected. To the contrary, they know that their submission to this extreme, and derided, belief acts as a insurance policy: Their careers are safe, regardless of performance or competence. Other institutions have crossed this Rubicon. The United Kingdom Armed forces have also strayed. Once in the business of national defence, the once august institution is fully committed to its own destruction. An army can neither recruit nor operate on the basis of insanity. And a country without a solid defence cannot long survive. Yet, recently, we heard that Dr Wright, a colonel, was forced to quit the Army for saying that ‘men cannot be women’. Two minutes ago, this comment would have been deemed an inelegant tautology. However, a junior officer promptly warned him that his gender-critical views could be at odds with Ministry of Defence transgender policies. A formal Army investigation was opened in May 2023. He left the army six years before time having led a team of 60 troops in 306 Hospital Support Regiment alongside working as an NHS intensive care consultant. The Royal Air Force found itself in the middle of a recruitment controversy as well. In an email dated Jan 19, 2021, Squadron Leader Andrew Harwin, who worked in the Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre, wrote: ‘I noted that the boards have recently been predominantly white male heavy’. He added ‘if we don’t have enough BAME and female to board then we need to make the decision to pause boarding and seek more BAME and female from the RAF. I don’t really need to see loads of useless white male pilots’. Battle of England heroes must be turning in their graves. The Bank of England talks of ‘Birthing Persons’. The Army puts pressure on experienced officers that believe that ‘men cannot be women’. Recruitment officers at the Royal Airforce wrote their preference for recruits based on race and gender, not merit. All this to please Stonewall, a lobby group, with an influence totally out of kilter with its tiny membership. All three organisations seem happy to sacrifice their credibility and operational excellence on the altar of what can only be described as a cult. Nigel Farage had his accounts closed (Image: Getty) The dangers go way beyond the messages that leak out here and there out of our state sector ideologues. A few days ago, Nigel Farage was told by his bank that all his accounts would be closed. He added that he had been turned down by nine other banks. He believes, given the information he was given, that the bank terminated their long-standing relationship because of his political views, which in most cases are supported by a large number of people across our Islands. Coutts, to save itself the embarrassment claimed it closed the account because Nigel Farage had less than one million pounds in it. To which he just said: ‘absolute cobblers’. The reader can judge for himself who is telling the truth. Mr Farage wrote that ‘we are living through the politicisation of our corporate sector. Woe betide you if you do not conform with its worldview’. He added that ‘it is impossible to function without a bank account. It should alarm everybody that a bank has the power to punish those it considers to have erred or strayed’. Further up North, the Yorkshire Building Society recently closed the bank account of Reverend Fothergill, of Windermere, Cumbria, a retired vicar. He says he wrote a polite rebuttal of transgenderism in response to material on Yorkshire Building Society’s website. This, for the Building Society was a Bridge Too Far. In response, the building society wrote, unashamedly, to the beleaguered reverend that it had ‘zero tolerance approach to discrimination’, thereby self-righteously justifying the closure of his account. In short, state institutions and the corporate sector are allies in a process of forced submission to an ideology that makes no claim to intellectual elegance or rationality. It demands total surrender and thoughtless compliance. To disagree with this new orthodoxy is to court a public and private dehumanisation process. Having no intellectual solidity, the only tool at their disposal is the one bullies have always used: intimidation. If we keep going down that path, a bleak and joyless future awaits. There can be no happy ending for individuals or nations in submitting to a philosophy that has run away from reason only to jump, shouting inanities, over the cliff. Now is the time to say ‘enough is enough’.


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