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HomeBusinessIt's grim right now, but 2023 is already looking brighter for investors

It’s grim right now, but 2023 is already looking brighter for investors

The inflation and interest rate storm continues, but there are already signs of recovery

The conventional wisdom about trying to time the market is that you shouldn’t. 

Catching the tops and bottoms with any degree of accuracy or consistency is near impossible and the cost of getting it wrong can take a heavy mental as well as financial toll.

But there is a difference between an all-in, all-out approach to investing and more subtle attempts to weight your portfolio to what you think will be the better performing assets at any point in time. 

It’s the equivalent of gentle nudges on the tiller to catch shifts in the wind direction as opposed to violent oversteering with the associated risk of a painful smack on the head from a swinging boom.


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