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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukMI5 thwarts China's 'long game' strategy to infiltrate UK politics

MI5 thwarts China’s ‘long game’ strategy to infiltrate UK politics

The Security Service (also known as MI5) has thwarted a long-term plan by China to infiltrate the UK political system. An MI5 Chief warned that China is “seeking to co-opt and influence” prominent politicians in the UK but also taking a more grassroots approach.Director General of MI5 Ken McCallum warned Bejing has been looking to target people at the early stages of public life or those with the potential to enter into politics, seeking to build “a debt of obligation”, according to political commentator Lucy Fisher.The United Front Work Department is understood to have been conducting “patient work” in order to develop deep roots of influence in the British political system.Potential targets are said to include local councillors (who frequently end up in national politics) or others who might have a future as parliamentary candidates.In a speech at Thames House this morning, Mr McCallum also warned that China is making mass “masked approaches” on professional networks like LinkedIn and warned Brits against “too good to be true” offers like five-star all-expenses-paid trips for academics to present research. Rishi Sunak was due to meet Xi Jinping at the G20. (Image: PA)The news comes amid reports that new UK PM Rishi Sunak’s meeting with the Chinese Premier Xi Jinping at the G20 was called off at the last minute after the missile strike in Poland altered timings.Mr McCallum also spoke on other security threats, discussing how Iran has attempted 10 plots to kidnap or kill British or UK-based individuals this year.Terrorism still remains a “substantial threat”, with MI5 having foiled eight late-stage attack plots since last summer and children as young as 13 being identified as potential national security threats.He also warned that the UK “must be ready for Russian aggression for years to come”, and, while Islamist terrorism makes up 75% of MI5’s caseload, the service has seen growth in far-right terrorists looking to acquire weapons.


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