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HomeBusinessThe fatal error of austerity

The fatal error of austerity

The black hole we need to worry about is recession

Here we go again. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has discerned an enormous deterioration in public finances, allegedly reaching £70bn a year by the middle of the decade.

Upon this macroeconomic conjecture, it is bouncing the British Government into pro-cyclical fiscal tightening just as the country enters what is forecast to be the most protracted slump since the Great Depression, with an output gap (slack) reaching 3pc of GDP by 2024 under the Bank of England’s forecast. The Sunak-Hunt duumvirate appears willing to be bounced.

They deserve our national gratitude for eliminating the sovereign risk premium on the Truss mini-budget – a fleeting episode, ultimately of no importance – but they now risk committing the greater and longer lasting error of Austerity 2.0. That way lies certain failure.

Perhaps Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is talking up his “eye-watering” cuts as political theatre, only to surprise us on Thursday with milder shock therapy than feared. He clearly intends to push most of the pain into the mid-2020s – backloading in the jargon – which gives him a way out later.


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