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HomeHealthEat a slightly green banana every day to prevent cancer, researchers claim

Eat a slightly green banana every day to prevent cancer, researchers claim

Bananas are famed for their high potassium content, but the popular fruit can also reduce the risk of cancer in those with a family history of the disease, a recent study claims

Many Brits enjoy eating bananas as part of a healthy breakfast, or for a boost of energy during a busy day – but did you know the popular fruit can help to prevent cancer?

Bananas are famed for their high potassium content, but many people are unaware that eating a slightly green banana every day can reduce the risk of cancer in those with a family history of the disease.

Scientists at Newcastle and Leeds Universities examined around 1,000 people with Lynch syndrome – a genetic condition that increases the risk of certain cancers, including ovary, bowel, stomach, womb and pancreatic.

Published in Cancer Prevention Research, the findings highlighted that a daily dose of resistant starch supplement – the equivalent of one green banana – over a two year period reduces some cancers by up to two thirds.


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