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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukBetraying our country isn't treason anymore

Betraying our country isn’t treason anymore

Betraying your country was, whilst par for the course, something that needed to be done discreetly. On December 13 2007, for instance, Gordon Brown, signed the Lisbon Treaty, the revamped and rejected European Constitution, alone and behind closed doors after he skipped the televised signing ceremony with the other EU heads of state – all to save himself the embarrassment.Interestingly, only two years before that, the French and Dutch public had voted overwhelmingly against the European Constitution, rightly seeing it as a fundamental attack against their respective sovereign and inherited rights.The European Union Grandees, self-appointed and terribly sophisticated, led by Mr Barrosso, an alumnus of the Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers & Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat and current Non-Executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs, ignored the results, pressed on regardless and imposed their plan on an unwilling European Populus.They took the European Constitution Pig, put some lipstick on the animal and called it the Lisbon Treaty. And as such, it required no referendum to be passed.The task to gut the nations of Europe of their self-determination was thus left in the hands of our leaders – the Hyenas were put in charge of the hen house.In those days though, they still showed the public some respect. They triangulated. They still sought our partial acquiescence. They regularly said they had our back. They would negotiate hard for us to ‘get the best deal’.Each time, however, they came back with less than what they had promised and more of our sovereignty gone. Still, they swore they would do a better job next time. The PM attended COP27 in Egypt earlier this week (Image: Getty)Having grown up in a country that had not fundamentally changed constitutionally in centuries, we took their word for it.We could not fathom why our very own politicians would surrender the power, granted to them by us via the ballot box, to an international experiment only to become the executioners of a foreign power’s will.The reality was, of course, that treaty after treaty, they colluded with their peers and international counterparts against our interest to rob us of the country and the constitution we grew to love and fought to uphold over generations. The 2016 referendum changed everything.While the majority voted to Leave the EU, as they were still wedded to the old notion of popular sovereignty, three quarters of all Members of Parliament voted to Remain within the orbit of a supranational agency, explicitly designed to turn our Parliament into nothing more than the equivalent of a Metropolitan Council.The world was revealed to us. They had lied through their front teeth for decades. They did not believe in the concept of sovereignty at all. Instead, they believed in a centralised world order, in which decisions, rules and regulations would be taken a fair distance away from the demos.We, the people, would be subject to these diktats and pay for the privilege. We would in effect become Milch Cows and finance at the point of a regulatory gun their most insane projects.In short, what we witnessed over the decades was not incompetence; it was policy. In that context, it did not take long for the Real Rishi Sunak to stand up.Initially, he was going to follow the ‘Gordon Brown’ route and sign up to the fantastical and fanatical ‘Net Zero’ agenda behind closed doors.Only 10 days ago, his team announced that he was not going to the COP27 meeting in Egypt due to ‘other pressing commitments’.A little pressure was all it took for the mask to fall. As it did, standing bare, he no longer felt the need to obfuscate.Like our entire leadership class, he is now totally shameless. What he said he supported only a few weeks ago meant nothing today.We can be sure, though, that tomorrow he will support international interest above the national one, as have most of his predecessors and as will his successors – in particular if the choice is between the Liberal Democrats, the Labour and the Conservative Parties.It is not just that he reintroduced the ban on fracking, having told the Conservative Party membership the exact opposite over the summer, it is also that he announced tax rises here at home, while committing our money to pet projects abroad, having solved none of the plethora of problems we are forced to face here daily.Coating the transfer of monies from us to supranational agencies in pseudo-religious language, he said that it was ‘morally right to honour our promises’ when faced with events such as flooding in Pakistan.The latter is wedged between Mauritania and Congo among others in the World’s most corrupt nation index, according to the World Population Review, a research group.Sunak, though, was charitable with our money. In a short speech, he reassured the great and the good that the United Kingdom will deliver on her commitment to spend at least £11.6 billion on international climate finance between now and 2026.Even more graciously, Business Secretary Grant Shapps refused to rule out the possibility that our country should pay Climate Change reparations, whatever that might mean in practice, to developing countries.On the topic, the good minister said ‘we’re accepting the principle there’s a discussion to be had about this…. in a sense, that’s been accepted all along,” adding that the UK is “supportive of discussions” taking place in Egypt. Pakistan has been ravaged by flooding (Image: AFP via Getty)In short, we now know that our political class and our bureaucrats have no desire to solve any of the problems we face daily. Everything we stand witness to today is policy driven.The endgame? The implementation of a new world with no borders, acultural and anchorless, subject to the whims of increasingly detached and self-righteous, self-appointed ‘Flat Earth’ revolutionaries.From the Home Office’s refusal to control our borders to grooming gangs; from failing schools to an NHS on the verge of collapse; from the break-down of the family to gender politics; from the rip-roaring inflation to our ever increasing stock of debts; from the lack of food, energy and physical security to the imposing of anti-human Net Zero, Covid Zero and Zero Tolerance policies, we are the collateral damage on the way to their New World Paradise – and our Hell.As Lenin used to say: ‘The worse the better’.It is to his playbook that our leadership class bows.Everything has now been revealed. Once seen, it cannot be unseen.


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