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HomeBusiness7 of the best SEO blogs to follow into 2023

7 of the best SEO blogs to follow into 2023

From ever-iterative best practice guides to ‘what now, Google’ newsflashes, working in SEO means you’re never short of reading material

One inescapable factor of working in the world of search engine optimisation (SEO) is the challenge of constant change. Just when you think you have got to grips with the latest schools of thought in search marketing, Google rolls out yet another algorithm update and BAM! you’re back to crawling industry forums and blogs, trying to find out what on earth happened to the digital landscape as you knew it.

On top of this, user interaction with search is forever evolving. New devices can influence the formula for information seeking, and subsequently how search marketers work to match content to user intent.

We also know that informational interests are not static: in February 2022, Google (re)confirmed that approximately 15 per cent of searches carried out every day have previously never been seen by the search engine.

It’s all rather a lot to keep up with. Though many marketers who handle a website’s search presence will earnestly tell you, with a slightly twitching eye, that it is one of the things they love most about working in the field.


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